GET V1 ems/version

Gets the version information for the API.

Request Information

Example Request

To get the API version information, make the following API call: GET /version

Response Information

HTTP Status Codes

Status CodeMeaning
200 (OK) The request has completed successfully. The version details will be contained in the response body (see below).

Response Body Formats

application/json, text/json

  "Product": "ProductName",
  "Description": "The API for ProductName.",
  "Copyright": "Copyright © 2013-2016 Acme inc. All rights reserved.",
  "Company": "Acme Inc.",
  "Version": "",
  "Build": "Branch: branchABC, Commit: f8b9c025b4b59b390844a35d4b08fa5bc32e7b01"

application/xml, text/xml

<ApiVersion xmlns:i="" xmlns="">
  <Build>Branch: branchABC, Commit: f8b9c025b4b59b390844a35d4b08fa5bc32e7b01</Build>
  <Company>Acme Inc.</Company>
  <Copyright>Copyright © 2013-2016 Acme inc. All rights reserved.</Copyright>
  <Description>The API for ProductName.</Description>