POST V1 ems/results

Submits an EMS Results Package for processing. The package is checked for errors and the result of this check is returned from the API call. If the package is valid, it is added to the processing queue.

Request Information

Example Request

To submit an EMS results package, make the following API call: POST /ems/results

This endpoint does not require the api-username or api-usertoken headers to be present. If these headers are present, they will be ignored.

Request Detail

This request should be made with the Content-Type header set to 'multipart/form-data'. See this page for details regarding the structure and contents of the results package.

Response Information

HTTP Status Codes

Status CodeMeaning
202 (Accepted) The results package has been validated and accepted for further processing.
400 (Bad Request) The posted data did not contain a single results package OR the validation of the results package failed. The nature of the error will be indicated in the Response content.
415 (Unsupported Media Type) If the posted mime type is not multipart/form-data.