POST V1 ems/userTokens/create

Creates a user access token for the EMS API, authenticating through Windows Authentication.

Request Information

Example Request

To create a user token, make the following API call: POST /ems/userTokens/create

Request Detail

Systems require a user access token in order to be able to make calls to the EMS API. This parameterless method checks the users' Windows session to see if the user has a valid domain account and is registered in EMS.

The user must be inside the domain in order to be able to use this call. If this is not possible, then users must enter their domain credentials into this call instead.

This endpoint does not require the api-username or api-usertoken headers to be present. If these headers are present, they will be ignored.

For more information about the general principles of authenticating with the EMS API, please see this page on Authentication.

Response Information

HTTP Status Codes

Status CodeMeaning

Response Body Formats

application/json, text/json

  "Expires": "2014-10-08T17:20:17Z",
  "Token": "xyz123xyz123xyz123xyz123xyz123xyz123"

application/xml, text/xml

<UserToken xmlns:i="" xmlns="">